Aicinām izmantot iespēju un pieteikties uz semināru par decentralizēto notekūdeņu attīrīšanas vietu nozīme Eiropā ūdens atkārtotai izmantošanai, kas notiks 7.februārī no plkst. 15.00 – 17.00 pēc Latvijas laika.


Plašāka informācija par vebināru un pieteikšanās:

Seminārs notiks angļu valodā, tāpēc pārpublicējam rīkotāju sniegot informāciju:

Decentralised wastewater treatment refers to the collection and treatment of wastewater or fractions of it (e.g. black water, greywater, rainwater) at or near the point of generation using a range of treatment technologies and methods allowing for safe disposal and/or fit-for purpose water reuse at a local level. Applications typically include non-potable reuse for irrigation and toilet flushing in/around individual houses located in rural and urban environment, for entire residential developments, larger buildings, and additional purposes in industrial and commercial premises.

Beyond rural applications – where their use is tailored to local needs and therefore offers advantages in terms of impact on water quality, sustainability, and resilience – the development of decentralised/semi-centralised wastewater in urban environment remains slow in Europe. Barriers to their wider implementation in urban environments include the complexity of the regulatory landscape, operational challenges to ensure their safety and minimise public health and environmental risks, sustainability and cost efficiency.

However, the use of decentralised/semi centralised wastewater treatment for water reuse is being increasingly considered across Europe as one solution amongst others to help reduce the demand for freshwater resources, address scarcity issues while reducing the pressure on centralized water infrastructures resulting from growing populations. To illustrate, in support of the European Green Deal and EU water-related policies, the Horizon Europe cluster 6 is currently calling for research proposals on new circular solutions and innovative approaches to “further develop efficient and sustainable decentralised and distributed approaches and technologies for climate-neutral and zero pollution water supply and wastewater treatment to optimise circular and sustainable use of natural resources”

With this webinar, Water Reuse Europe is therefore bringing together experts on decentralised treatment from across Europe and beyond to discuss drivers for considering this option, innovative strategies and technologies, benefits and challenges, regulatory issues, costs implications and overall shed some light on how decentralised treatment can play a role in the development of the European water reuse sector.

Water professionals, developers, industry leaders, solution providers, technology suppliers, policy makers, researchers, end-users, and consultants involved in or with an interest for water reuse.

The event is free to attend.