A protective border installed at Būšnieki Lake boardwalk

CB786 “Nature Access to All (NatAc)” In the end of August, the first significant activity took place in the new NatAc nature accessibility project for improving the infrastructure in order to facilitate the trails’ accessibility – we have installed a 5cm protective border at Būšnieki Lake boardwalk along its entire length on both sides. The

Nature trails’ accessibility inspections

CB786 “Nature Access to All (NatAc)” In cooperation with NGO Apeirons in August the Kurzeme Planning Region has started its on-spot visits to assess the accessibility of nature trails. Together with accessibility experts, we examine, whether the trail is accessible to people in wheelchairs, if the trail width is at least 1,2m, surface – dense

First partner meeting in project Nature Access to All (NatAc)

On 20-21 May, in Nīca County, Kurzeme Planning Region together with 3 NatAc project partners (Estonian Environmental Board, NGO West-Estonia Tourism, Parks & Wildlife Finland (Metsähallitus)), as well as NGO Apeirons and Estonian Chamber for People with Disabilities hold the first project partner meeting. The partners agreed on the joint project management and cooperation principles

New project to facilitate access to nature tourism – NatAc

PROJECT OBJECTIVE facilitating access to nature tourism by developing the chain of accessible nature tourism sites in Latvia, Estonia and Finland. TARGET GROUP Local and foreign travellers Tourism entrepreneurs and service providers Local municipalities and nature parks Non-governmental sector uniting people with disabilities PROJECT PARTNERS The Project is implemented by the Lead Partner – Kurzeme

During summertime three industrial heritage destinations were opened to public

                  During this summer there were three unusual tourism destinations opened to public within the project “Industrial heritage” administered by the Kurzeme planning region: Aizpute water towerchanged into view tower, former railway station “Airītes” opened new waiting room, cashiers room and a small exposition. Additionally, Ovīši lighthouse offers absolutely

Estonian industrial heritage objects in corporation with Latvian partners initiate project „Industrial Heritage”

Contributing to the maintenance of industrial heritage and attractive tourists, 26 Latvian and Estonian industrial heritage objects initiate project „Revival of Industrial heritage for tourism development”.  Project has ambitions to revise the industrial heritage resources in the West-, North- of Latvia and Riga regions and South- and West-Estonia territory and to build the tourism product

Project “Revival of Industrial heritage for tourism development”; Project number: EST-LAT7

                                     Industrial heritage as tourism resource has not been on the everyday “agenda” for the tourism developers in Latvia and Estonia. Developing the common network of industrial heritage sites in Latvia and Estonia and combining the sites into